Alex Boyce-Vienneau


Alex has faced many of his own health battles and knows the hard times that come with them. 

In early 2015, he was a few weeks out from his 4th physique competition, feeling very strong and confident.

One morning, that all changed! Alex woke up abnormally sick and had to put his fitness dreams and aspirations on hold. He went through months of health tests, hospital visits and prescriptions before the doctors realized how life-threatening the condition was. He was diagnosed with a very severe case of Ulcerative Colitis. During this time, Alex lost 60 pounds and had a total of 17 blood transfusions. 

After spending 6 months straight in the hospital, he was finally able to go home. With his new “freedom”, you might assume he would want to go out and do everything that he possibly could. But that was far from how he felt!

Alex went from working out every day, eating very healthy and hanging out with friends as often as he could, to running out of breath going up the stairs, only being able to digest soft foods and not wanting his friends to see him after the drastic weight loss and life changes.

Fast forward:

A couple years later. After a few weeks of this constant tired and annoyed feeling, he decided to go to the doctor for a checkup to see what the heck was wrong. Everything seemed relatively normal. After some persuasion, Alex decided to go see a psychologist to see if they could do anything to help. After many tests with the psychologist, Alex was diagnosed with depression. 

Through his experiences, he knows and completely understands that mental health is a very serious matter, and the best thing you can do is talk to someone about how you feel, do the things you love, and most of all, start to live a healthier lifestyle. 


  • Rehab-U Movement Optimization Level 1

  • Muscle Activation Techniques - MAT upper body certified

  • Precision Nutrition - Certified Nutrition & Wellness Educator

  • Functional Movement Systems - Functional Muscle Training Specialist

  • ISSA - Personal Trainer Certificate

  • Integrative Health & Nutrition - Nutrition Specialist

  • RTS (resistance training specialist) - Mastery Level Trunk and Spine

  • RTS (resistance training specialist) - Mastery level science 1: Advanced resistance mechanics & continuum training and decision making

  • RTS (resistance training specialist) - Mastery level science 2: Advanced resistance mechanics & continuum training and decision making